Email Marketing Strategy. Plan your 15-minute challenge:

Email Marketing Strategy - PLAN

Every year, around this time I create a plan for the upcoming year.

The goals I achieved in the past year are crossed out and the ones that I did not achieve are circled.

Some goals are circled and then re-added to the list the following year.

Sometimes I accept that I will never be able to stop eating sugar. I then bite off the head of my last cookie, feeling a mixture of defeat and defiance.

Let’s face it, most people find it difficult to stick to a schedule.

Only 9.2 per cent of people believe they have achieved their New Year Resolutions.

It’s easy to be sidetracked when creating an email campaign for your organization or business by the pressing daily tasks.


Are you new to email marketing for your business? Try out Constant Contact for free for 60-days.

Here’s why email marketing campaigns for small businesses and nonprofits fail:

* You do not take the time to develop an email marketing strategy.

You start the email marketing process, but give up halfway through.

* You make a plan but abandon it after several months because your priorities have changed.

Sounds familiar?

Let me show you how easy it is to create your own email marketing campaign.

* Limit your time to 15 minutes

The anticipation of starting is often more intimidating than the actual task. Limit your procrastination by only spending 15 minutes a day on your marketing plan.

Take 15 minutes and print out this simple template for email marketing.

Have you ever held a fundraiser annually? Participate in an annual community sidewalk sale? Write down all the events you will be attending in the coming year.

This is an example of a plan:

Email Marketing Plan Example

After you have filled in the initial dates, go for a short break. When you are fresh and have 15 minutes left, come back to your plan.

* Strive for consistency

You’ll have busy times throughout the year, but your goal is to keep in touch with your audience regularly.

Use the second page in your template for an email marketing plan as a guide to select holidays, both traditional and non-traditional, that you could include into your plan to make sure you are consistently reaching subscribers.

It’s not necessary to get into the finer details. As the months near, you can start tackling that.

* Write your plan down

According to research, is more likely to achieve a goal when you write it.

Use an online calendar, or a physical calendar on your desk to plan out the dates you will send emails.


You can use this 2017 Email Marketing Calendar to create a schedule.

Start by filling in your calendar using the email marketing template. Plan your campaigns by starting with the date of an event or sale you wish to promote.

As an example:

Send your Last Chance emails 1-2 days prior to your event/sale.

* Send your Email Reminder a week prior to the event/sale.

Two weeks prior to the event or sale, send your Announcement Email.

Here’s how your calendar could look if your store is running a Valentine’s Day Sale.

Email Marketing Calendar Example

Do not try to complete this in one go unless you have the time.

Take 15 minutes to fill in as many months as possible.

* Concentrate on what’s most important – sales/donations

It’s possible that as the year progresses, your plans may change. Do not let these changes ruin your marketing plan.

After you have created your full plan, give it a second look to ensure that all of your campaigns align with your main business goals.

Consider your bottom line when deciding whether to increase sales, donations or event registration.

Develop an email marketing strategy you can stick to

You now have a formula you can easily follow to create a marketing email plan you will actually adhere to this year.

This year, make it the year that you create a plan and not just wing it. Make email marketing a part of your new year’s traditions. This will help your business or non-profit succeed in the coming year.