Social Media: How to harness the power of social media without spending money

It’s no secret that the rise of social networks has been a great thing for marketing. You can’t ignore the opportunities that online marketing offers, no matter how fierce the competition.

A recent article by Hootsuite states that “there are now 4.2 Billion active social media users – almost twice as much as five years ago.” These users spend on average 2 hours and 25 mins per day on social media channels.

It takes an average of two hours and twenty-five minutes to build a following on social media. It takes an average of 2 hours and 25 mins to create a social media following that will lead to sales.

Social media can be viewed as a public space. It’s not like you have to pay anything to be on social media; it’s an open area. It’s true that with so many people in the room, it can be hard to stand out. When you show up consistently and have the right approach, you will soon be making a difference.

What would that look like exactly? Here are five ways to get the most from social media without spending a fortune.

1. Go live! I can’t stress the importance of being on Facebook or Instagram. Live videos are best when they’re raw and real. Nobody expects perfection. What a cool idea! Live videos are an excellent way to introduce yourself to your audience.

This doesn’t require a complicated production setup. Grab your phone and find some good lighting. Then go live. It’s the content that matters. What will your audience think? What makes your video live worth watching?

It’s one of the most useful social media features available. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by; make it valuable for your audience.

2. Use hashtags to create communities online. You automatically join communities when you use hashtags to pair with your content. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get your content seen on social media!

Hashtags can be used to enhance your social media posts. If you use them properly, they can multiply your engagement. Hashtags help people find online posts that relate to their interests. This is a great way to promote your business online.

You can also create a unique hashtag for your business. You can also search for hashtags relevant to your content and business right from your timeline. If you’re posting SEO tips, it would be impossible to include #summervibes or #worldpeace as hashtags. Use hashtags to help people find your content and you.

3. Instagram stories are a great way to be creative and interactive. They have been around for some time, but they are still growing in popularity.

Stories are a great way to inspire creativity. You can take advantage of this by creating fun, interactive stories using any one of the many apps available.

Stories are often based on product launches, promotions, and other special announcements. Post snippets from your workday to give your audience an inside look at your company. You can add music, make a poll or host a Q&A to engage and attract your audience.

4. It is important to show up consistently so that you can establish a relationship with your audience and leave a lasting impression on their minds.

Consistency means using the same descriptions, avatars and tones when setting up your social media accounts. You want your brand to be easily recognizable online so that people can find you and notice you.

5. Listen to and talk with your audience. Everyone loves attention. If you make your audience feel that you care about them, they are more likely to support your work and engage with your content. Set aside an hour to respond to comments and read your posts.

Pro tip! Do not be generic in your responses. Be specific when you respond. Thank people for positive feedback and suggestions. This interaction will show your followers that you are a person.

The Bottom Line

You can do so much more to use social media to your advantage. Start now with these five tips. You may not have to spend a penny on social media marketing, but you will need to invest time to see results.

You won’t be sorry for putting in the effort to find the right tools, platforms, and resources that will allow you to build a sustainable strategy of online marketing for your business.