The eCommerce Trends

eCommerce trends - Amazon

Are you ready to kick off your eCommerce business? You’ll want to maintain momentum in the online world, which is always changing. Here are some trends that you can use to keep your business on track.

Omni-channel sales

Many consumers also own mobile devices in addition to desktops and laptops. Shopping at home could lead to an online purchase on a mobile phone. Companies are bringing their products out into the street to allow consumers to enjoy everything — anywhere.

Consider Amazon or Netflix. Customers love the ability to watch videos across multiple devices. House of Cards fan? Bring your favorite show along on your commute!

In today’s world, the ease of access is always the winner. Online businesses are no different. To accommodate their changing shopping habits, your eCommerce experience must be fluid on multiple devices. You can optimize your website for both desktops and mobile devices if you want to go online or if you are already online but you need to expand.

Pro Tip: Create an integrated customer experience using an omnichannel sales approach.

The content is still king

It’s probably not news to you that good is king. Content can help you to define your business, and attract new clients. When people are searching for information about your business or industry on the internet, they expect to find facts that make sense.

Your brand can showcase itself online by writing killer web content. Each location, from product descriptions to blog posts to home pages, is a chance to showcase what you do. What’s better? Search engine optimization (SEO) is heavily influenced by great content. This means that you can jump higher up in Google’s ranking with good content.

If you want to spread the word about your business, you could ask bloggers to do reviews , or take advantage of any opportunities you get for interviews, Q&As and guest blogs. This can be a huge advantage for small businesses.

eCommerce trends - videoAdd videos to your repertoire in the same way you would add content. According to HubSpot including a video in your website’s landing pages could increase the conversion rate by 80 percent. This is a massive increase in profits.

Are you unsure where to begin? You can always use live stream in your social media channels, directing customers to your website. You can also start your business on YouTube. YouTube mobile usage is increasing by 100% every year. There’s nothing to lose from posting videos of your products, interviews, inside scoops, vlogs (also known as video blogs), and other content.

You can easily upload these videos to the internet using your mobile device. Many businesses have embraced video marketing because people prefer a short video to a lengthy text. Put quality video content on the site and watch your customers flock to you.


To boost your business, you should take advantage of video marketing, killer web content, and omni-channel selling. You may have your own trends that you believe will be big. Share your trends!