Five tips to keep customers happy this summer

Maine small businesses are in for another busy summer. This will be both an opportunity and challenge. Many businesses will need to work harder with less due to the ongoing labor shortage.

This article contains some customer service tips to help your business stand out

Start with your employees

You and your staff are the first line of defense in providing good customer service. Employees who are satisfied are more likely than not to offer better customer service and are also more likely stay on the job. Studies show that workplace culture and environment can have a similar impact on employee morale. To provide excellent customer service, it is important to listen, respond, respect, and support your employees. Think about what incentives you can provide to your employees. It could be free bagels and coffee once a week, or a bonus at the end of summer.

Hire creatively.

Cast a wide net and identify the traits that you are looking for in your employees. A positive attitude and a cheerful disposition can often outweigh the experience of a worker. You can teach someone how to clean hotel rooms, but you cannot change their personality.

Train your staff on the essential elements of customer service.

Maine’s Office of Tourism provides a free certification called Welcome ME 2.0. Establish guidelines to help your employees behave towards their customers, managers, and other workers. It’s also important to identify the behaviors that are consistent with your company culture and help drive success.

Be realistic in your expectations

Set realistic expectations when working with less human resources. It is better to be realistic. Under-promise and Over-deliver It is better to be disappointed than to disappoint customers and employees. You may have to modify your business, just like last summer. This could include limiting the number of days or hours that you are open, simplifying products, or reducing service offerings. It is important to have alternative service providers and vendors lined up for emergencies, especially with the shortage of staff and products. What if you are unable to get your products from your regular suppliers? While you’re making these changes. Communication is essential To ensure that your existing and new customers are happy. Use your signage, social media, website and personal conversations to communicate. It’s always better to over-deliver and under-promise than have unhappy clients.

Be welcoming to all

To achieve a culture that is inclusive and remove barriers to service, we must first overcome them. Understanding the needs of those you serve is essential. Consider your customer’s perspective. Are they young couples, older couples or people with disabilities? Is your business welcoming to them? You should be able to offer them accommodations that are accessible and comfortable. It is easy to improve the experience by removing these barriers.

Personalize your Experience

Maya Angelou: “People will forget your words, they will forget your actions, but what will remain in their minds is how you made them feeling.” True service excellence will make the customer feel good. Feel important, heard and special. Try to remember the preferences of repeat customers and provide helpful information. Ask good questions to new customers. Listen and address their needs. To provide personalized service, companies need to know what makes customers happy and how to meet those needs. You can differentiate yourself from competitors by offering your customers an experience that is unique.

Customers are invited to provide feedback

Adopt a strategy that encourages customers to spread positive word of mouth marketing. This will enable your business to innovate, and meet customer needs. Listen to them and respond to their complaints as soon as possible. Customers who are happy with their service are more likely than not to return or to spread the word about your company. Make every moment count. This will build trust and engagement.